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Contact Us

For technical/access queries

Please include the following information so we can forward your response to the right team:

• The device you're using to access Sleepful (e.g. iPhone, Android phone, Windows laptop),
• The type of app you're trying to use (e.g. iPhone app, Android app, web app at,
• The login method you're using (e.g. email and password, Google, Facebook),
• The page you're experiencing problems with, and
• Any error messages you're receiving.

For queries about the Sleepful programme

We have a list of frequently asked questions (FAQs) - please check this list first and submit a query if your question isn't answered here.

FAQs are available at

Please note that we cannot offer medical advice. If you have any health concerns about taking part in the Sleepful programme, please contact your GP before starting.